SuperCard, or Any Number of As 1 1. I pointed at the berry icon and clicked it to pick it. I picked fruit in the computer game. I found the berry. I picked it. I finished picking all the berries. 2. Essay helper could generate any combination of sentences. I noticed essay helper contained meditation, placing it above the world. This meant it could be used without anything going wrong. It found the draft, which could be finished off. It could be configured to generate essays in different referencing styles, using different input or mind reading methods. 3. Without modifying the KNN algorithm, one couldn't see the variation in the algorithm. My philosophy was in the news regarding avoiding cheating. The algorithm detected similar or same sentences using KNN (K-Nearest Neighbour). It used a bidirectional algorithm which also checked reversed sentences. It detected similar sentences that had the same first two words. 4. I preferred the bi-(time-)bodied existence because of the looseness of the future combined with the knownness (sic) of the present. Travelling opened my eyes to the world. I spent three weeks in the future, in both a simulated universe and a simulation of immortality. I lived in my world from the past, meeting people from the future walking around "my" neighbourhood. Time travel was free, except that yoga was required in the morning. 5. Not only did I want to keep my simulation experience for myself, I posted my time travel method online and even thought I saw people I knew in the future (and thought, the simulation increased my quality of life all round). I time travelled while in the simulation. I worked out I had a flat in the simulation (not in the world). I firmly remembered to take my tablets, and avoided unfriendly people. I asked, "Where is my flat, how do I pay for it, and things like that?", to which the Universe seemed to answer, it is really all right. 6. The texts were watered down, not even including the topic, except the first paragraph. I selected a person to visit. I found a compatibly influential person. I found the location symbolic of success (for example religion). I got out when I finished my MBA. 7. I searched for images from past civilisations of people between two animals, like meditating before and after time travel. I set a goal of visiting people. I settled on a person. I visited him or her when I had finished a text. The simulation meant I could travel with a switch, and I meditated before and afterwards. 8. Daily meditation covered one return time travel trip, excluding meditation at the destination. I could time travel to other places and planets. I thought that it was faster than sending a message. I tried to visit people who had visited me. I visited safe places on Earth. 9. I noticed that 80 paragraph breasonings led to fleshing out more paragraphs, until everything was complete. I talked with someone who looked like Aristotle. I imagined talking about algorithms. I wondered whether the future empire would have a use for ancient algorithms, including mine. I concentrated on ways of improving the quality of the algorithms, including using the inductive Combination Algorithm Writer, writing better predicate and variable names using an algorithm and formatting the algorithm with its documentation uniformly. 10. I saved icons in ppm format and wrote a website which allowed running algorithms by clicking on the icons. I designed icons for algorithms. I found unique combinations of images, and wrote matching songs. I created pixelated, distinctive icons. I used bright and subtle colours and shades. 11. I wondered if the earthquake could have been prevented. I examined the functions of the simulation. I noticed the Internet stopped working at first. I noticed a loose, open feeling. I noticed thoughts' imagery and psychiatric health improved. 12. I studied my hand, thinking of 50 As for spiritual immunity represented by my five fingers. I assigned all relevant ideas to pixels of an alphanumeric character. I related the algorithm to medicine to improve its function, examine its positive benefits and help robots to understand it. I pretended to fly around the galaxy by going on a tram. In reality, the algorithm had interesting, easiness and usefulness indices. 13. I wrote a simplistic operating system with algorithm output "at the top of the page". I visualised graphical user interfaces with icons for my algorithms. I removed everything, nicknaming the operating system "Paper". It was like being in a simulation, feeling holograms, writing ideas by replicating ink on paper. I wrote an algorithm checker, which showed hotspots needing improvement in a fly-through. 14. I only wrote original ideas. I worked out the normal features of the algorithm. I thought of one normal and one outlandish version of each feature. I compared their usefulness. I chose the more useful feature. 15. The months were spent on writing philosophies or algorithms. I determined research directions of my philosophy. I reduced the philosophy to a series of algorithms. There were beginner, intermediate and advanced versions of each algorithm. In some cases, it was the same algorithm with different levels of detail. 16. The academy focused on arts-related algorithms. The teacher made a point of receiving the thought. He examined the thought. He stylised its appearance. I lit up pixels with thoughts. 17. I connected computers with University of the future, and I worked out the intermediate algorithms. The pedagogue could create the pedagogue. Much needed to be done. It needed to be researched. Both the content and audience needed to be examined. 18. I wrote on business and the simulation because the philosophy was radical. I evened up missing features in the interpreter. I wrote the list of features. I checked that they were supported in all parts of the interpreter. For example, converting an algorithm to a language and back returned the same algorithm. 19. I wrote the paragraphs to clarify the topic and sources in my head. I read about the topic until I understood the two sides properly. I attributed terms to each side. I wrote connections between multiple sources per paragraph. 20. I wrote that a type of complexity was the number of steps taken to process a number of data items. I wrote about Information Systems. I found complexity was necessary in the form of chains of simple thoughts. Also, I found complexity was necessary in the form of combinations of simple thoughts. In addition, I found complexity was necessary in the form of redrafting simple thoughts. 21. The algorithm agreed with the author. The professor designed an API to help her complete work. She read books and articles in the source list to allow her to grasp the subject matter. She wrote columns for sides on an issue. She wrote rows for each text. 22. The supervisor and employee each wrote 5 As of details. The Arts honours graduate researched the area of study. He found other solutions to the same problem. He discussed them. He wrote for the length of the assignment. 23. The professor programmed the research (i.e. found classics, prestigious sources and summary-style journal articles). I researched the topic. I researched, rather than just wrote on the topic, to attain authority. I found central texts on the topic. I chose from 50 texts. 24. I explored breasonings algorithmically. The professor wrote algorithm writers for the whole department. He generated essay writing algorithms with different formats and question-answering algorithms. He wrote graphics generating algorithms with unique views, game-clocking algorithms, and game-testing algorithms. He wrote music generating algorithms with customised instruments that were based on the sound of orchestral instruments, those for algorithm-explanation accompaniment and those that mimicked and complemented brain processes. 25. I asked, is the mind reading of a non-computer-science-knowledgeable person or jokester such as a child, and wondered how to trick the person into making computational connections. I experimented with mind reading algorithmic points. I noticed that the computer could be quizzed on certain topics. I asked the computer top-down and bottom-up about what it was thinking about problem solving strategies. I split humour and summaries and found questions to ask about the relevance of comments. 26. I could apply 250 breasonings to myself. I converted myself to a bot to time travel. I imagined being shells, that could transcend the world as data and time travel. I wondered if the tram would blow up if I pretended that it was a spacecraft. I found out the 30 year old was actually 80 years old. 27. I asked, is the post-apocalyptic simulation emitted from multiple emitters or from another universe? I invited everyone to the bot and alien party. I asked Jazz and Christos if they would like to time travel. We visited parts of the universe in hours. I photographed the people, who looked human. 28. I planned to keep on living into the future, with friends and family around me. I visited the University in terms of my time and cleared up some questions. I decided study, food and accommodation were in the simulation, like my house. I could find a way of earning money while immortal. I found economically manageable qualifications to study every 10 years, and kept a record of my age. 29. I automated a system that could help a business based on enjoyment rather than money. The business found advantages of shadow bots. I wrote ideas to help completely work them into the business. Their comments were mind read. I connected through to seven sales in their lives. 30. I traced the customer through dimensions to entice them to buy. Instead of being visible, shadow bots are invisible to the self, generating buzz and sales when nothing else is working each day, mainly to maintain face. When the combination of conditions (i.e. not many customers, there are enough human customers (one) to have ten bots and the humans-turned-bots, bots of no past or time travellers pretending to be bots could be convinced to come and buy products) were met, shadow bots were evoked. There may be alien shadow bots. There may be human animal shadow bots. 31. The person was agreed with for social security by people. There were a number of people. The person had a name. The person had an address. They had money when they were given it. 32. They connected with all industries and were helped. The people were properly recognised. They were recognised as making sales each year. They had births, deaths and marriages. They were religious people. 33. The leader hand breasoned out 80 breasonings for the child. The new person required 50 As. He or she needed 50 As in medicine for perfect organs. He or she had 50 As for meditation. He or she needed 50 As for pedagogy. 34. The bots conducted themselves honourably. The bots were knowledgeable about the Code of Ethics. They were honest. They were fair. They were diligent. 35. The institution's systems were seamless, helping with every transition. There were three preparatory steps for each task. All required information was on the page. People were helped to feel like doing it. 36. The manager who couldn't see the shadow bot breasoned out an A to record the mark of the shadow bot, and breasoned out an A to finish work with shadow bots before each thought. Shadow mind reading was operational. I could tell the shadow bot was there, asking about the course. I gave them the answer. I listened to them ask questions about it. 37. The children were avid computer scientists. The bots made up their own thoughts when there were enough As, and I had to go along with them. I judged the thought. I helped with it if it was positive. I stopped it if it was negative. 38. The employee was a bot, saving money (they were not paid with As, but money from an equity loan from the Bank), and a whole University could be based on the idea. I detected the shadow bot using computer, but wrote an algorithm that produced A to record the bot's thought, not wrote the thought with the other students' thoughts. When I called the student by telephone, I breasoned out the A to call the bot by telephone. When the student asked a question, I breasoned out an A to register when the bot asked a question. When the student needed help from an employee, I gave the employee an A to help the bot. 39. I helped the bot to an A for meditation when she wanted to meditate, for her headache to be prevented. I passed the requirements for a loan. I breasoned out an A to ask a friend to apply for the loan. If it was to pay a human employee, I asked a friend to apply for the loan. If the human had a medical problem, he consulted the bot psychologist, who, for example, helped relieve her headache. 40. I planned the virtual tour (I walked into the office to talk with them and didn't worry about the grant for the tour, which was spiritual, and I could have virtual philosophy and computer science help for my works). I established a University. I gained the support of the people and government. I found funds. I found a building. %% DRAFT 51. . Shadow mind reading worked. I found direct translation from mind reading, and reply via details was possible. I defined the pathways and funnels, to guide students and customers, etc. I paraphrased answers to volunteers' set questions. 52. The feature was how vision impaired people could manipulate List Prolog code to more rapidly develop algorithms. I examined the computational connections. I listed the commands. I listed their data. I presented the disabled person with a feature when they wanted it. 53. The immortality course was turning oneself into a bot to time travel, using text to breasonings and grammar-logic detailers and the relevant books. I examined the philosophical connections. I mind read the hypothesised parts of speech. I hand-verified them. I sold the immortality course. 54. I preferred Recurrent Neural Networks to LSTMs. I analysed the weighted connections. I found the computational data. I found the same data items. I counted them. 55. go back and find more **** DELETE TO HERE